【重要告示 Important Notice】禁止校園性侵害性騷擾或性霸凌行為 Prohibition of Campus Sexual Assault, Harassment, and Bullying

各位師長、同學 您好:




  1. 不得以任何形式對他人進行性騷擾,或違反與性或性別有關之專業倫理行為。凡經「性別平等教育委員會」調查屬實之行為,將依相關法律規定及視情節輕重予以申誡、記過、解聘、停聘、不續聘、免職、終止契約關係、終止運用關係或其他適當之懲處。另將承擔相應之刑事民事法律責任
  2. 若知悉或目擊性騷擾事件,必須在24小時內填妥「中國醫藥大學各類校安事件告知單」,並向本校校安中心進行通報,任何人不得隱瞞或自行設立調查機制違反者將處新臺幣1萬元以上15萬元以下罰鍰(通報說明請見本會網頁:https://gender-equality.cmu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/280
  3. 根據《性別平等教育法》第43條及《校園性別事件防治準則》第17條規定,如違反上述通報規定致再度發生,或偽造、變造、湮滅或隱匿他人所犯校園性別事件之證據,將面臨解聘、免職或終止契約的處分,情節嚴重者將被永久禁止在教育機構任職


  1. 不得以任何形式對他人進行性騷擾,包括實體網路數位不受歡迎的言語行為。其中網路言論亦受到法律約束,請大家使用網路平台時,無論匿名或是具名,都需注意自己於網路上的發言及使用禮儀。避免傳送具露骨性意味之文字,或於社群網站或網路聊天室發表不適宜或具侵略性挑逗等不當言論。若受到性騷擾,得立即向學校反映或尋求協助。
  2. 根據《中國醫藥大學學生獎懲辦法》規定,凡經「性別平等教育委員會」調查屬實之校園性侵害、性騷擾或性霸凌案件,將經「學生獎懲委員會」審議懲處,包括申誡、小過、大過、情節嚴重者至退學或開除學籍之處分。另將承擔相應之刑事民事法律責任



中國醫藥大學 性別平等教育委員會


Dear Teachers and Students,

To maintain a good campus environment and protect the rights of every member, we reiterate the prohibition of all forms of sexual harassment on campus according to the "Gender Equality Education Act" and the "Guidelines for the Prevention of Campus Gender Incidents." Violations will be dealt with severely in accordance with relevant laws.

Here are the important matters we wish all faculty, staff, and students to observe:

For Faculty and Staff:

  1. Any form of sexual harassment or professional ethical misconduct related to sex or gender is prohibited. Actions confirmed by the "Gender Equality Education Committee" will be subject to warnings, demerits, dismissal, suspension, non-renewal of contract, termination of contract, or other appropriate penalties depending on the severity of the case. Offenders will also bear corresponding criminal or civil legal responsibilities.
  2. If you become aware of or witness a sexual harassment incident, you must fill out the "China Medical University Campus Security Incident Notification Form" within 24 hours and report it to the Campus Security Center. Concealing or setting up independent investigation mechanisms is prohibited. Violators will be fined between NT$10,000 and NT$150,000. (For reporting instructions, please see the committee's website: https://gender-equality.cmu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/280)
  3. According to Article 43 of the "Gender Equality Education Act" and Article 17 of the "Guidelines for the Prevention of Campus Gender Incidents," if a violation of the above reporting regulations leads to a recurrence, or if evidence of campus gender incidents committed by others is forged, altered, destroyed, or concealed, the offender will face dismissal, termination of contract, or permanent prohibition from employment in educational institutions.

For Students:

  1. Any form of sexual harassment, including unwanted verbal or physical behavior in person or digitally is prohibited. Online speech is also subject to legal restrictions. Please be mindful of your comments and online etiquette when using internet platforms, whether anonymously or under your real name. Avoid sending explicit texts or making inappropriate or aggressive comments on social media or in online chat rooms. If you experience sexual harassment, you should immediately report it to the school or seek assistance.
  2. According to the "China Medical University Student Rewards and Punishments Regulations," campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying cases confirmed by the "Gender Equality Education Committee" will be reviewed and penalized by the "Student Rewards and Punishments Committee," with penalties ranging from warnings, minor demerits, major demerits, to expulsion for severe cases. Offenders will also bear corresponding criminal or civil legal responsibilities.

We remind everyone again that respecting others is our responsibility, and any form of sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Let us all work together to create a safe and respectful campus environment.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your cooperation.

CMU Gender Equality Education Committee