客座教授 | Richard OC Oreffo
學歷:DSc; Skeletal Tissue Engineering, University of Oxford
研究方向及專長:the application of bone stem cells and regenerative medicine strategies for the repair and regeneration of damaged skeletal tissue.
客座教授 | 何宜虔
學歷:PhD, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan.
研究方向及專長:Arthritis, Autoimmune Disease, Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus, Rheumatic Diseases, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

客座教授 | 孫鶴
客座教授 | 美國Pacific University, CA, USA
副总裁、科技创新事业群首席执行官 | 天士力控股集团有限公司
总裁、CEO | 天士力北美药业有限公司
副董事长 | 天士力医药集团股份有限公司
客座教授 | 張傳祥
George Hoyt Whipple Professorship of Pathology - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (SMD), Medical Center, Univ. Rochester.
客座教授 | 柴田 龍弘 SHIBATA Tatsuhiro
Professor, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, The Institute of Medical Science, Human Genome Center, The University of Tokyo
研究方向及專長:Genomic informatics
客座教授 | Jay Norman Giedd
研究方向及專長:Development, Genetics, Brain Imaging, Adolescence
客座教授 | 朴芳瑜 Catherine Poh
學歷:Ph.D. in Oral Biology & Medical Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada
研究方向及專長:Community Screening and Management of High Risk Oral Precancers; Visualization Tool-Guided Surgery Approach for High Risk Oral Precancers; Molecular Targets for Intervention of High-Risk Oral Precancers
客座教授 | 松岡 豊 Yutaka Matsuoka
客座教授 | Chih-Lueh Albert Wang
學歷:Ph.D. in Chemistry,Ohio State University, Columbus,Ohio
研究方向及專長:regulatory role of calcium-binding proteins; the dynamic properties of the actin cytoskeleton.