Adjunct Professor | Jyh-Cherng Ju
Research expertise:Reproductive biology,Embryo development and in vitro production
Adjunct Professor | Chih-Yang Huang
Research Expertise:Cardiac biochemistry, Cancer molecular medicine
Adjunct Professor | Guei-Jane Wang
Research Expertise:cardiovascular pharmacology, arteriolosclerosis, Chinese herbal medicine of Metabolic Syndrome development
Adjunct Professor | I-Jong Wang
National Taiwan University | Ophthalmology Department | Professor
research expertise:ophthalmology
Adjunct Professor | TANG-LONG SHEN
research expertise:Signal transduction, Cytobiology, Cancer biology

Adjunct Professor | ZIH-EN LIN
research expertise:Animal experiment:management of animal housing, surveillance of illness,analyses of pathology & pathogenesis, establishment of animal model

Adjunct Associate Professor | DONG-RONG HONG
research expertise:Poisoning prevention, Environmental occupational disease, Chinese herbal medicine poisoning, Toxicological examination, Internal medicine, Toxicology
Adjunct Associate Professor | MING-RU WU
research expertise:Internal medicine, Nephrology, Dialysis, Renal transplantation, Molecular biology, Medical education
Adjunct Professor | Shao-Chih Chiu
research expertise:Research Interests, Inflammatory response & mechanisms, regulation of TNF-alpha expression, microRNA, gliomas
Adjunct Assistant Professor | Chia-Min Chung
research expertise:Genomics, Genetic epidemiologybiometry, Cardiovascular epidemiology
Adjunct Assistant Professor | Chun-Mei Hu
research expertise:Nucleotide metabolism and genomic instability studies, Tumorigenic activity assay (including the determination of growth rate, mutation rate, soft-agar colony formation and tumorigenecity in nude/scid mice), Polyclonal antibody generation, Develop method for high-throughput drug screening, Identify small molecules for targeted therapy, Uncover drug action mechanism

Adjunct Assistant Professor | JIA-MING YAN
Research Expertise:Adult education, Social Gerontology, Dementia care, Qualitative Research